M. A. Marketing Management


(George Washington Carver)

M. A. Marketing Management

Professional title: Master of Arts

Never forget that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression - with investors, with customers, with PR, and with marketing”. (Natalie Massenet)

In this comprehensive and practical study programme students improve their ability to make effective marketing decisions, including assessing marketing opportunities, developing marketing strategies and implementation plans. The programme topics include market-oriented strategic planning, marketing research and information systems, buyer behaviour, target market selection, competitive positioning, product and service planning and management, pricing, distribution, and integrated communications, including advertising, public relations, Internet marketing, social media, direct marketing, and sales promotions.

Through a combination of interactive discussions, cases, practical examples, individual assignments, and a group project, the programme applies marketing topics to consumer and business-to-business products, services, and non-profit organizations.

Students gain significant experience in communicating and defending their marketing recommendations and building on the ideas of others.

Students will study different techniques to attract customers and learn to manage and organize company’s sales through marketing. They will gain a mastery of international markets and be able to implement strategies based on new markets and product distribution channels. They will also become versed in social networks, which are extremely relevant to any current business.

The second-cycle Master’s programme in Marketing Management, according to the Bologna Process, provides students with the ability to directly apply the acquired knowledge to tackle real-time business challenges and bring these to life in an innovative way.

The study programme has been designed in cooperation with reputable market experts, since we firmly believe that employers know best what knowledge and skills are in high demand in today’s competitive business environment. The study programme is extremely practical and application oriented, based on the academic knowledge. Upon completion, students become extremely problem-recognition and problem-solving oriented.

Marketing Management Master’s Programme is rated at 120 ECTS.


The main objective of the Marketing Management Master’s study programme is to qualify the Masters for handling complex business challenges through a combination of business knowledge and skills in the field of marketing.

It gives insights into consumer behaviour and practical tactics for integrating this knowledge into solid marketing strategies. LSB’s MSc in Marketing Management focuses on a key functional area to give you an excellent preparation for a top management role.

You will be given the advanced knowledge and marketing theory you need to make a genuine difference in the field of marketing. You will be taught by the very best: leading experts from Slovenian market who also publish in the most prestigious international marketing journals. They will help you find your own way in the world of branding & advertising, digital marketing, marketing strategy, consumer behaviour, marketing communication, pricing and cross-cultural consumer research.

Career opportunities are varied. They range from management positions in marketing and trade departments to being the product manager of a company. You could also have a career in commercial or sales management and be a consultant or advisor to different companies.


1st YEAR

This subject introduces students to the different types of information that business analysts and decision makers gather, and how that information is processed to make effective business decisions. It covers a wide range of strategic and operational business problems and decisions in areas such as financial management, marketing, human resource management, supply chain management and international business. The subject explores how organisations gather and generate multiple forms of information, and how this information is analysed and converted into useful knowledge via individual judgement and organisational learning processes. In applying empirical and analytical approaches to practical situations, students will develop insights into both the nature of the business problems as well as methods that are used for identifying and evaluating alternative solutions.
This course aims to explore the role of accounting information, management accounting and performance measurement systems in supporting managers in their business decisions and in their day-to-day activities, to perform their duties effectively and to foster their companies’ success. In fact, it is widely acknowledged that the survival of any firm depends on its capabilities to generate winning strategic ideas, to motivate its managers to implement strategies, and to create stakeholders´ trust.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will differentiate between different consumer behaviour models and behavioural motives , typologies used by researchers for consumer classifications, and the impact of intercultural aspects on the relationship between service and product providers. The student will also be able to use different models of consumer behaviour for the effective and successful implementation of marketing activities.
The aim of the course is to understand the key aspects of strategic marketing and the importance of value-based marketing strategy, as well as to gain experience in developing marketing strategies for companies operating in a dynamic global environment. Through the use of practical case studies, students will familiarize themselves with the approaches and tools used for effective marketing strategy implementation.
The main focus of the course is to understand the necessity and legality of the exchange processes, marketing and market orientation in service organizations. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to use marketing concepts, processes, and methods of marketing and marketing tools on an individual and organizational level in exchange processes. Students will also be able to analyze and diagnose, plan, implement and monitor decisions of strategic, operational and tactical importance in the area of service marketing.
Students will learn about the role of communication in creating value of the brand. Students will be able to cast a critical eye on the process of promotion of brands and understand their mission and gain knowledge about effective branding. They will be able to solve trademarks problems and solve business problems by using the trademarks. They will be able to organize and select the appropriate brand - business strategy and look at the brand as a business innovation. Students will be acquainted with the concept of brand identity: analysis of industry, consumers, competition and our own analysis of the company and the brand, developing key elements of brand identity: vision, visualization (name, symbol, slogan), brand as a product / service, brand as an organization, the benefits of brand, brand personality, brand attitude - stakeholders. They will be able to implement branding and tools for the development of the brand.
This course enables students to understand the system and concept of strategic management, its use and implementation. They understand the importance of strategic management for the existence and competitive development, the relationship between strategic management and governance, the importance of sustainable growth and social responsibility, as seen in the environment of the European Union. They understand relevant contents and risks, and recognize the purpose of various types of control as well as control systems (audits, evaluation, monitoring). Students also acquire the knowledge of strategic management in non-profit organizations.
After completion of the course, students will be able to identify and define the research problem and design an appropriate research approach to solve the problem, as well as to concretise the research problem in the context of setting appropriate objectives and hypotheses. They will know different ways of sampling and understand the advantages and limitations of different samples. They will be able to test hypotheses by using statistical programme, interpret the results of statistical hypothesis tests, and accordingly declare the confirmation / rejection of hypotheses, transparently show the obtained results and correctly interpret them. Students develop problem-oriented and analytical thinking.

2nd YEAR

The basic aim of this course is to help the students to better understand the process of planning, implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive-based marketing communications. The subject is particularly relevant for students interested in a career in marketing and communications, including advertising, direct marketing, management products, services and branding. They will acquire the skills to design and implement complex marketing communication campaigns for all types of organizations from profit to non-profit.
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers. Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means that you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet. You will find out what exactly digital marketing is. From your website, itself to your online branding assets -- digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and beyond -- there’s a huge spectrum of tactics and assets that fall under the umbrella of digital marketing. And the best digital marketers have a clear picture of how each asset or tactic supports their overarching goals. And you have a chance to become one of those marketers.
Students will be able to prepare an empirical research and carry out research projects, interpret the obtained results, and prepare the research results in a form that facilitates understanding and verification of the survey results, which are furthermore acceptable for publication in relevant publications. Students will also be able to prepare a scientific research paper for publication in selected publications and review articles written by other authors.
The student chooses one of the elective subjects.
The student chooses one of the elective subjects.
The student chooses one of the elective subjects.
The student chooses one of the elective subjects.
Master's thesis is a written product of a student, written in accordance with the guidelines for writing professional or scientific research reports. In it, the student shows the ability of a systematic approach and problem-solving topics of the master's thesis. The student demonstrates the ability of an interdisciplinary approach to addressing a business problem by using knowledge and skills in the field of marketing. It shows the capability of comprehensive development of the studied issues.


Upon completion of this course, students will understand the importance of strategic project management for the existence and development of competitive businesses, non-governmental organisations and the public sector. They will also gain insights into relevant content, risks and purpose of various projects in the environment of the European Union. They will acquire knowledge on strategic project management and get to know examples of good practice, resulting in practice-based quality project. Students discuss various theoretical concepts, methodological approaches and practical examples, and are able to apply the acquired knowledge into practice, where they will further develop into strategic project management professionals based on experience gained.
The intended course learning outcomes are to become familiar with the goals, objectives and expected effects of the introduction of quality management systems, to meet the relevant factors for the effective introduction of a quality management system in the organization, as well as knowledge and understanding of the role and importance of the quality of products and services in business relations. Students will be qualified for active and critical monitoring and responding to current developments in the field of quality management and business excellence, and know and understand the placement of quality management in a broader context, particularly in the field of marketing.
Students learn about the basic theories of innovations that enable critical evaluation of the business environment and technologies for the development of competitive innovations and their effective introduction to the market. In doing so, they identify opportunities and risks and understand the role of organizational changes. After completion, students will be able to use agile management methods and strategic planning. They differentiate between the business models of established and new start-ups.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the relationship between research objectives, data quality and advanced analytical procedures (type of data that are necessary for the use of multivariate techniques), as well as to understand the logic of individual multivariate techniques (what are the results of each technique and what conclusions can be derived from each technique). After completion of the course, the student will independently use suitable analysis techniques to answer research questions, and will be able to provide solutions for specific research problem.
The main objectives of this course are to improve student's ability to: understanding strategic role of sales functions, understanding data and marketing dynamics and evaluation of market opportunities, effective planning and sales management, developing the sales force, directing the sales force, personnel motivation and reward sales staff, implementation monitoring and permanent improvements.
Students build on skills they acquired in the Strategic Marketing course, such as the ability to carry out the last, but very important phase in the process of marketing planning, often sidelined in practice. Students learn tools that will help them to objectively determine whether the planned marketing strategies and programmes really achieved their goals. They develop the capacity to assess whether the potential problems in the field of marketing are due to either inappropriate strategies or poor execution of otherwise appropriate strategies. They understand the role of non-financial indicators in monitoring the effectiveness of marketing.
Students will become aware of the importance of geographic and historical effects on global markets, and understand the political risk and vulnerabilities of companies involved in international markets. Participants will become capable of analysing the orientation of marketing from domestic to global strategies as well as responding to the different elements, values and cultures in different countries. Students will be able to act as an advising agent in their future organization by becoming aware of cultural differences and values existent within markets and organizations in order to evaluate the degree of customization that companies and products require to enter international markets. Students will become aware of the legal constraints, linguistic and media limitations, and cultural diversity in the creation of international communication strategies, as well as being sensitive to the communication, adaptation and diffusion of innovations in different cultures.
In this subject you will engage in an assessment of your management skills and develop your ethical, personal, interpersonal and team-based skills. By doing so, you will develop your knowledge of management as well as capacity for creative analysis, problem solving, ethical decision making and written and verbal communication.
The aim of this course is to provide students with the ability to examine and understand the operation of industrial and other cross-organizational markets where customers are businesses and other organizations, and meet the particularities of marketing in this area.
The aim of the course is to give theoretical and practical aspects of understanding the design of pricing strategies, their implementation and evaluation. The study is based on a constant comparison with practical experience in the economy. It is based on the challenges of stimulating and creative learning.
At the end of the course students will be able to select the appropriate marketing channel for products or services in order to create satisfied customers. Students will learn how the entire marketing depends on the appropriate distribution of products / services, since it is the way by which products go from producer to final consumer that is very important and marketers therefore need to understand and know the best route for their specific products. Students will be able to create a variety of marketing channels, because they know how the market channels are affected by supply, demand and competition. They will also be able to carry out the whole process of the distribution channels and known institutions which are extremely important in this area.
The main objective is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge in the field of marketing tailored for SME-s and enable them to work independently in the field of marketing in SME-s.
After completion of the course, the student will be able: to analyze individual and group behaviour and understand the impact of organizational behaviour on the management process, to evaluate different motivation theories and motivational strategies used by different organizations, to know how to assess the basic elements of organizational structures and their impact on workers, and to explain how organizational changes and culture affect working relationships within the organization.


For detail information please contact our international office.

Tuition includes:

  • all study materials,
  • online learning environment utilization,
  • lectures and consultations conducted by high-ranking lecturers.

Additional benefits for all our students:

Free access to MIcrosoft Imagine Premium which includes:

  • Microsoft operating system,
  • Microsoft development tools (Visual Studio),
  • Microsoft servers (SQL Server, SharePoint),
  • Microsoft Azure for students


Microsoft Office 365 pro plus, free of charge.

Entry requirements

The Master's programme is open to anyone who has completed:

  • Bachelor's degree

The enrolment conditions are also deemed to be met by those candidates who have completed on equivalent education abroad.

Application for enrolment must be submitted electronically through the eVŠ web portal.

Mandatory attachments

Immediately after submitting, the candidates shall send the following to the school’s address at Visoka šola za poslovne vede, Tržaška 42, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia:

  • The certificate of completing a bachelor programme (legalised*)
  • A court certified translation of the original certificate of completing a bachelor programme
  • A court certified translation of passed exams (Transcript of Records) into Slovenian or English
  • Certificate confirming the knowledge of English**
  • Receipt certifying the payment for the verification of documents (350 EUR) ***
  • Copy of a personal identity document
  • Curriculum vitae/resume
  • Form N – Application for recognition for access to education

If your original documents are not in English, you must provide officially certified translations.

*Legalization of the documents:

For countries which are Hague Convention signatories - According to The Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (Hague Apostille Convention) the documents must be verified with APOSTILLE stamp.

For countries which are not Hague Convention signatories - Foreign certificates have to be verified in accordance to internal regulations of a specific foreign country, including Ministry of foreign Affairs. Stamp and signature of authorized person from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country has to be verified by the diplomatic consular mission or consular post of the Republic of Slovenia, which is accredited for this country, or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.

You do not need to legalize (documents must be verified by notary) your diploma if you have finished your previous education in the following countries (due to bilateral agreements between countries): Bulgaria, Iraq, Algeria, Russia, Poland, Austria, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia

**English Language Requirements:

Candidates must present a language certificate of their English language skills. The minimum required scores are: TOEFL score of 79 (IBT), IELTS score of 6 for English, Cambridge/Oxford: B2.

***Payment for the verification of documents

After receiving all required documents, you will receive an invoice for payment the process of recognition of the foreign education. Candidates who meet the enrolment requirements enrol by 30th September 2018.

After successfully submitting your application, you will be contacted by the Office of College Admission.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your studies or your application, please feel free to contact us. We are available every business day from 8 a. m. till 4 p. m.